
ул. Никольская, д. 17, стр. 1, БЦ "Славянский"

Tongue piercing care

Tongue piercing aftercare. Risks. Safety. 

It is necessary to start healing tongue piercing already on the day of the procedure - after each meal, liquid, smoking, or every hour if nothing gets into the oral cavity.
You will need: 

1. Miramistin 

2. Furacilin solution

Tongue piercing treatment: After drinks, smoking, or every hour, if nothing got into the oral cavity: 1. Rinse your mouth with antiseptic. After each meal and brushing your teeth: 1. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with furacilin solution, which will replace tap water for you.


1. Tongue piercing heals for at least 4-6 weeks. The visibility and feeling of an absolutely healed piercing occurs already on the 5-7 day.
2. During the healing process, you should stop using chewing gum, gently kiss and have oral sex.
3. During the healing process, lymph nodes may become inflamed, and the temperature may rise. This is not surprising. To reduce symptoms, you can use anti-inflammatory / antipyretic drugs and continue to treat the oral cavity.
4. To replace the jewelry, we recommend using acrylic ends to prevent injury to the tooth enamel.
5. You can change the jewelry after complete healing and / or not earlier than a month after the last inflammation.